G-Mobility; Solutions with gas, biomethane and hydrogen for sustainable mobility

November 26, 2019 Uncategorized, Uncategorized

G-Mobility; Soluciones con gas, biometano e hidrógeno para una movilidad sostenible - CTEIM

MADRID, November 25th , 2019

The IE Center for Transport Economics & Infrastructure Management (CTEIM) organized alongside with the international leader in natural gas infrastructure, Enagás and the association that promotes the use of natural and renewable gas in mobility, Gasnam, a conference dedicated to sustainable mobility. This conference called after «G-Mobility; Solutions with gas, biomethane and hydrogen for sustainable mobility» revealed the alternative sources from petrol and the challenges that the industry must overcome towards a decarbonised economy.

The event was presented by the Chairman of the center Mr. Julio Gómez-Pomar and by the CEO of Enagás Mr. Marcelino Oreja. Both stressed out that the fight against climate change is urgent and it demands changes where these alternatives will play a key role in the mobility of the future. In addition Oreja, highlighted gas would be a “fundamental” element to decarbonize mobility, especially in heavy sea and land transport.

Furthermore, two round tables were organized with experts of the decarbonization process. The first round table “We travel on the same train: gas as an ally of rail transport” moderated by the IE University Strategy Professor Mr. Antonio Rodríguez Furones, counted with the participation of Mr. Claudio Rodríguez, General Director of Infrastructure of Enagás; Mr. Alberto García, Area Manager of the RENFE Studies Department and Mr. Jaime Borrell, Director of Business Development and Marketing at Alstom Spain. The round table highlighted the challenges of the railroad transport as one of the most complex elements within the mobility sector.

The second round table, dedicated to “Companies that move. Mobility in a decarbonized economy” was moderated by Ms. Eugenia Sillero, General Secretary of Gasnam and counted with the presence of the speakers Mr. Miguel Carsi, President and CEO of Toyota Spain; Ms. Belén Linares, Director of Energy Innovation of Acciona; Mr. Ramón Calderón, Director of Sustainable Mobility and Institutional Relations of SEAT; Mr. Antón Martínez, Director of Transformation of Enagás and Mr. Javier Ballesteros; CEO and co-founder of Gas2Move. This second table highlighted the technological wealth of the mobility industry based on examples and alternative plans in which the companies of the industry are working on; biomethane and renewable hydrogen solutions.


G-Mobility: Bienvenida y Presentación por Julio Gómez-Pomar

G-Mobility: Mesa redonda 1

G-Mobility: Mesa redonda 2

G-Mobility: Testimonios

Resumen Jornada G-Mobility


  • Europa Press article (esp) here
  • ABC article (esp) here
  • NexoBus article (esp) here